Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Weekend With Fozzie

The Minnesota teacher's union had meetings last Thursday and Friday.  Normally that would not be big news, but it was very inconvenient for me.  You see, the Mrs. and Mr. Youngster decided to go to Missouri for the long weekend.  I didn't get to go. :(

I hate being alone.  The Mrs. would remind me that technically I wasn't alone - Fozzie stayed here with me.  Nothing against fat, lazy dogs, but I prefer some human interactions.  That mutt can't begin to compete with the loving nature of my wife and the lively discussions I have with Mr. Youngster.

Let me take a moment to describe a typical weekend day with Fozzie.  I get up in the morning and go downstairs.  Fozzie is up and wagging his tail madly, his tongue is hanging out, and he looks like he is thrilled to death to see me.  But the reality is, he is ready for breakfast.  I let him out, put some dog food in his bowl, give him fresh water, and he ignores me while he inhales a bowl of Iam's.

I go back upstairs to get ready for the day.  By the time I have dressed and am ready for the day, Fozzie is ready to come back in.  I let him in, then go into the kitchen to prepare an exciting breakfast of cold cereal.  Sigh.  I sit down to eat and Fozzie sits down a few inches from me, drooling on my leg as he watches me eat.  How can he still be hungry?

After breakfast, I head downstairs to work on my sermon at the computer.  As soon as I sit down, Fozzie lays his head on my leg and looks up at me with sad, puppy-dog eyes.  That is how he begs us to pet him.  I scratch his neck under his collar for a couple of minutes, then turn my attention to the sermon.  Feeling ignored, Fozzie heads for his doggy pillow.  Taking his front feet, he gathers some of the material up between his paws and starts sucking on it.  Yes, he is the world's only pillow-sucking dog!  We think he reverts back to his puppy days and is pretending to suckle on his mommy!

Now Mr. Exciting Dog lays down and goes to sleep.  He is such a high-energy dog!  Sometimes he snores.  Sometimes you see a leg twitch - and... that is about it.  Whoo-hoo - what great company that dog is!  I miss the Mrs. and Mr. Youngster...

After creating Adam, God said, "It is not good for man to be alone."  He then created Eve, the first woman, using one of Adam's ribs.  Why do we think we it is a strength to be independent?  The fact is, we are strongest when we lean on each other.  Our spouse is meant to complete us, providing strengths where we have weaknesses.  In those areas of our lives where we are weakest, we need to rely upon, and trust, the strength of our spouse.  Don't let areas of differences cause conflict in our marriages - let them strengthen our marriages.  When we do that, then we are truly "one flesh."

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