Saturday, September 23, 2017

Memories of My Aunt

I was raised on a farm in northwest Missouri. My aunt and uncle lived about a mile west of our house. I spent a lot of time at their house as a kid! But this past Monday was my aunt's funeral and I was asked to do her funeral. It was a sad day, but it was a great day. It was great because of the many fond memories I have for my aunt. She was a good woman and a godly woman. Here is one of the stories I related from my memory.
This story took place 30-some years ago, shortly after me and the Mrs. were married. We went back to Missouri to visit our family and attended the church where I went as a child. My aunt attended the same church. After the service, the ladies gathered at the front of the church to discuss the upcoming Vacation Bible School (VBS). As usual, the Mrs. and I hung around talking to some friends and I picked up bits and pieces from the ladies' meeting at the same time.
One of the women suggested that they should serve healthy snacks for VBS. Her reasoning was that the kids eat too many sweets anyway. And they could still serve snacks that the kids would like. She suggested some foods like carrot sticks, celery with peanut butter, and various kinds of fruit were things the kids would like. I thought to myself that this was a good idea. If I had been in the meeting, I would likely have voted for this idea.
But then my aunt spoke up. She said, "I am baking cookies. Kids need cookies at Vacation Bible School!" And I thought to myself, "She is right!" My aunt knew what kids wanted and she wanted them to want to come to VBS. Cookies would make it more enjoyable for the kids and happy kids would make for a great VBS!
We live in a "me-first" culture. I read a book once that said that everyone listens to the same radio station: WII-FM, which stands for "What's In It For Me!" We want and expect the best service when we are out and about. We want to be pampered and treated as if we were the most important people in the room.
But Jesus had another plan. Jesus told His disciples in Mark 9 that, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all." My aunt understood this very well and lived it. My cousin shared at the funeral that she was a "do for others woman." That says it very well. And now she is in heaven with her Lord and Savior and she gets to serve Him! She may even be baking Jesus some cookies!
How would your world improve if you decided to "be last of all and servant of all?" Let's focus today on being a "do for others person!"