Monday, August 23, 2010

Where do you want to live?

I read a book a few days ago that really spoke to me.  The book is called "A Requiem For Love" by Calvin Miller.  The storyline follows the biblical account of Adam and Eve living in the Garden of Eden, although Dr. Miller changed the names and embellished a lot on what could have happened.  I would recommend this book highly!

The book really got me thinking about my spiritual walk.  As much as I would love to go into detail about how Dr. Miller painted the picture of temptation that broke through Eve's resolve, I refuse to ruin the book for you!  We all know that she did stumble, and that she thought there was good that was going to come to her life if she did.  She wanted to be like God, knowing good and evil.

The book painted a clear contrast between the Garden of Eden and the wilderness outside the Garden.  Eve knew if she sinned she would be banished from the Garden.  She and Adam even stood where they could look out of the Garden and see the wasteland of the wilderness - and she still chose to sin. 

I wonder, what would happen if we honestly considered the consequences when we were tempted, instead of simply taking the easy way of following our selfish desires.  What if we looked at the temptation and considered the full cost of following our human nature versus the benefits of following God's holy nature?  What would life look like?

God's promises throughout the Bible are to bless those who live in the shadow of His love.  Romans 8:28 encourages us with these words, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."  Wouldn't it be grand to know that we are living in such a love relationship with God that He is always working things out for our good?  Even when life hits us with its hardest pains (cancer, job loss, death of a loved one, etc.) we can KNOW that it will work out for our good!  Wouldn't you like to live with that confidence?

Let's paint ourselves a mind-picture.  How do you envision the Garden of Eden?  I see lovely green grass, better than the best golf course!  I see gentle flowing streams, full of fish, ducks lazily swimming along, and water as clear as glass.  I see tall trees providing protection from the wind and sun.  I see birds and harmless animals living in perfect harmony with man.  I see God walking hand-in-hand with Adam and Eve, loving them in a way that only He can.  He is taking care of their every need.  His love knows no bounds.

Now, how do you envision the wilderness?  I see a hard land, full of thorns and thistles.  I see wild animals lurking behind trees and boulders, out of sight until I let my guard down, ready to attack.  I see a river that goes from drought to a roaring flood in minutes.  I see storms that appear suddenly with devastating winds and drenching rain.  I see loneliness and sorrow in the wilderness.

Here is the big question.  The temptation is before you.  You can follow God and live in the Garden of Eden, with all your needs being provided by God.  Or you can follow your own desires and live in the dangerous wilderness, fending for your own safety and living by the the sweat of your brow.  Which will you choose?  Every temptation provides that choice.  Live with God, or live apart from Him.  Joshua so clearly stated his choice, and I hope we all will follow his lead and say, "As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord."

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how I stumbled upon your blog, and God used it to speak to me. Thank you for your insightful words. God Bless.
